CyberChef ( ) is a geek tool that allows you to build various data transformations (recipes). It comes in handy for decoding malware data, etc. Well, it can be used to create a covert comms channel. This one uses simple DES which has an 8-character key. If you're trying to avoid the Facebook "factcheckers" and nanny assholes, this is probably sufficient, but you can go a lot deeper if you want. 1) Go to iCyberChef and create a recipe that looks something like this. Here's a URL for your convenience:'option':'UTF8','string':'BidenSux'%7D,%7B'option':'UTF8','string':'Cheaters'%7D,'CBC','Raw','Hex')Generate_QR_Code('PNG',5,2,'Medium')&input=U28sIEJpZGVuIHN0b2xlIHRoZSBlbGVjdGlvbiBhbmQgdGhleSB3b24ndCBkbyBzaGl0IGFib3V0IGl0Lg So anything you type into the source data box gets encrypted using the
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